Monday, 4 March 2013

Photography club in Amanzimtoti

TD Dream Photography is starting a brand new photography club in Amanzimtoti.
The club is run and managed by Tobie Delport the owner of TD Dream Photography, assisted by Helen Kudrya, owner of Motionpix Production House and Bryan Powell one of the leading commercial photographers from Pure photograpic Studios.

Members will get together once a week at Amanzimtoti civic centre, where every weeks meeting we will be dealing with a different photograpic topic. It won't be the case where someone is talking and everyone is listening to that person speaking. No it will be an open discussion between every member of the club. We will share our knowledge on that specific topic, like an online forum but this will be a live forum where we can interact with each other at a much deeper level.

Once a month we will be going out as a photography club, on a location shoot where we will be taking amazing photographs, and have the opportunity to learn from the more experienced photographers. After such a fun shooting day we will show our best photograph to everyone in the next meeting date. Explaining in what setting we shot and at what aperture, shutter speed and why we did what we did to get the desired photograph. Best three photographs will win small prizes.

Non-experienced members can expect to learn.
What is Aperture?
What is Shutter speed?
What is ISO?
The relationship between ISO, Aperture and Shutter speed.
What is meant by under or over exposed photographs?
What is a Histogram and how to use one?
What lens you should use, with each subject matter?
What is a Prime lens?
What is a Zoom lens?
How to use ambient light to improve your photographs?
All about studio lighting.
And much, much more to be learned at club TD Dream Photography

We are accepting anyone (aged 16 up) with a love for photography, no matter your knowledge or experience. Membership fees are R200 a month and a member that pays for a years membership will get a R400 disscount, yearly membership fees are R2000(12 months).
Membership forms can be found and filled in at Amanzimtoti library. Membership registration closing date is 30 March 2013. First meeting will be held at Amanzimtoti civic centre Thursday evening 4 April 2013 @ 6:30- 8:00pm. Membership space is limited, register now.
For more information
cell: 071 801 6518   

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